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current issue
about psfm
New! Best of Penumbric, vol vii

Our annual “Best of” anthology is out on Amazon! It features works published from June 2k23 through April 2k24, and roughly 80% of profits made from sales of the anthology are earmarked for authors/artists within. Click here to check it out!

What Is Penumbric?

Penumbric is an online magazine dedicated to riding that ever-changing edge of new and original fiction and art and sound and everything into tomorrow, to being a conduit (even a small one) for the voices that speak along that edge, to helping in some way those voices to move the world forward. For the magazine, this edge is best exemplified by two things: There's more than just bullet points to this, so please read our full philosophy behind Penumbric. And of course we're ...

Looking for submissions!

Submission window: We are always open for submissions of art, animation, and music! We are currently closed for fiction and poetry submissions.

We are open for fiction and poetry submissions from 15 June to 15 September and from 15 December to 15 March each year.

If any of this sounds interesting to you, sounds like a journey of which you wish to be a part, please submit your work! I would love to see submissions displaying aspects of the true diversity of the world in which we live. In terms of genre, I am looking for work that constitutes the ever-moving edge of its kind, as a place between light and dark, consciousness and un, today and tomorrow; work exhibiting the strange, the bizarre, that which is not of the world we know, but more of a twilight realm or even altogether alien place. In short, ideally edgy. Maybe even idealistically edgy. I generally accept submissions in the following categories: fiction, poetry, illustration, graphic narrative, animation--but I'm happy to look at anything that can be displayed to advantage on the web. There is a small payment for accepted works. See Penumbric's full submission guidelines for details!

Penumbric Speculative Fiction Mag, Penumbric Speculative Fiction Magazine, Penumbric, and the accompanying logos are trademarks of Neomythos Press, LLC. Text and website design copyright and TM 2019-2023 Neomythos Press, LLC. All rights reserved. ISSN 2693-0234