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About psfm
Penumbric is an online magazine dedicated to riding that ever-changing edge of new and original fiction and art and sound and everything into tomorrow. To us, this edge is best exemplified by two things: These things can be presented in many ways, and thus I am willing to accept pretty much any format or type of work (provided, of course, that we can give it a proper showing in an online environment). If that be fiction, great. Poetry, great. Art, music, great. We are all explorers here, looking to learn about new things, new ways, new arts, new combinations.

I am also sick of the corporatization of the internet, of the hungry data-gathering monsters and sites whose content is overwhelmed by advertising. Penumbric will never contain ads. It will not try to gather your data wholesale. The online version will be totally free. (We may present some kind of print anthology through print-on-demand, which will cost some money, but again will not contain advertising, and profits from that will go back to the contributors and to keep the magazine running.) Donations will be appreciated, but not required.

That said, I feel that authors should be paid something, even if I can't afford much, so contributors will always be paid, even if it's only $10 per piece (which it is, currently). And I'm tired of form letter rejections that say nothing about the whys and wherefores, so I will always be willing to explain why a piece was turned away.

And, finally, I just want to put out a great magazine, so any suggestions or comments will be welcomed!

To all our tomorrows, todays, yesterdays, and the bits between,

Jeff Georgeson
Managing Editor

Penumbric Speculative Fiction Mag and Penumbric Speculative Fiction Magazine and the accompanying logos are trademarks of Neomythos Press, LLC. Text and website design copyright and TM 2019-present Neomythos Press, LLC. All rights reserved.