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Peter Alterman has published science fiction, literary fiction, popular fiction and literary criticism. Recent fiction publications include “The Faber House” in The Bombay Review, “They’re Playing Our Song” and “Perfect Time for Morning Coffee” in Smoky Blue Literary and Arts Magazine. Other fiction publications include: “Binding Energy” in New Dimensions Science Fiction 9 (a 1974 Nebula first round nominee), “Scenicruiser and the Silver Lady” in Twilight Zone Magazine, “The General’s Picnic” in Gallery, “Transcendental Functions” in Green Mountains Review, and “Detroit Iron” in Antietam Review.

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Emmie Christie’s work includes practical subjects, like feminism and mental health, and speculative subjects, like unicorns and affordable healthcare. Her fantasy romance novel A Caged and Restless Magic debuted February 2024. She has been published in Daily Science Fiction, Infinite Worlds Magazine, and Flash Fiction Online, among others. Find her at, her monthly newsletter, or on TikTok.

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Marco Etheridge is a writer of prose, an occasional playwright, and a part-time poet. He lives and writes in Vienna, Austria. His work has been featured in over one hundred reviews and journals across Canada, Australia, the UK, and the USA. His story “Power Tools” has been nominated for Best of the Web for 2023. … Power Tools is Marco’s latest collection of short fiction. When he isn’t crafting stories, Marco is a contributing editor for a new ‘Zine called Hotch Potch. In his other life, Marco travels the world with his lovely wife Sabine.


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Lillie E. Franks is a trans author and local eccentric who lives in Chicago, Illinois with the best cats. You can read her work at places like Always Crashing, Poemeleon, and Drunk Monkeys or follow her on Twitter at @onyxaminedlife. She loves anything that is not the way it should be.

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Brad Fraunfelter grew up in the small town of Warren, PA, fascinated by the beauty of nature and inspired by comics and Sci-Fi art. Fueled by an adventurous spirit and continuous love for otherworldly realms, he spent a lot of time sketching whimsical aliens, dragons and spaceships. He attended State University of New York, College of fine arts at New Paltz, and studied art, photography and painting, ultimately receiving a Bachelor’s degree in "Visual Arts”. After graduating he moved to New York City and began a career not as a painter, but as a freelance photographer’s assistant in Manhattan’s Photo District. The skills and practical value of working with top professional advertising photographers would prove invaluable for developing an eye for light, shadow, and color.

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Tim Hildebrandt is a writer in Indianapolis, Indiana. His short stories have appeared in Consequence Forum, the Boston Literary Magazine, Pandemic Magazine, Bending Genres, Corvus Review, and others. You can see his work at:

Tim has a bootless BFA, he lived in San Francisco in '68, traveled Europe from Amsterdam to Africa, and survived combat in Vietnam.

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Janis Butler Holm served as Associate Editor for Wide Angle, the film journal, and currently works as a writer and editor in sunny Los Angeles. Her prose, poems, art, and performance pieces have appeared in small-press, national, and international magazines. Her plays have been produced in the U.S., Canada, Russia, and the U.K.

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Ojo Victoria Ilemobayo is a Nigerian Literary Enthusiast. She is also a dynamic poet, creative photographer, babysitter, video editor, graphic designer, and into different fields of life.

Some of her works can be found in Southern Arinzo Press Anthology, Colourism Healing Writing Contest, Firebrand magazine, Sledgehammer, Nnoko, GEMP, Prawns paper, Mixed Mag, Agape Review, Mad Swirl, The Beautiful Mind, Enceladus Magazine, The New Man Gospel Movement, Fringe Poetry Magazine, World Voices Magazine, Eboquills, ICreative Review, Christian Century, Eco Theo, Thema, A Coup of Owl, Christian Courier, Astrolabe, Sledgehammer, Nnoko Magazine, Olney Magazine, Communication League, Christian Crusader, FEEEL magazine, Con-Scio Magazine, Typehouse, Ake Review, Banshee, Off Limits Press, Sunlight Press, Hey Young Writer, Christianity Today, The Hooghly Review, Josephine Quarterly, Variety Pack, NonBinary Review, Flash Frog, etc

She won the April-June Wakaso Poetry Prize 2024, WGT3 2023, the MUSPA Prize 2022, Lagos Hilltop Poetry Prize 2021.

She tweets @ Ilemobayo - ojo

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Derek Alan Jones spends most of his time working in a warehouse in Kansas and the rest of it writing speculative fiction. His work has appeared in Gamut, Orion's Belt, Utopia Science Fiction, and Tales to Terrify, among others. Find it all at

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R. Mac Jones is a writer and visual artist. His work has appeared in venues such as Dreams and Nightmares, Star*Line, Strange Horizons, and Daily Science Fiction. He has a website,, that is always in need of updating.

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Shreejita Majumder can usually be found typing away on her laptop, or spinning stories in her head while walking along the busy streets of Kolkata. Poet, artist, writer, keeper-of-sparrows, and plant-whisperer, her work has been published in Strange Horizons, Factory Four Magazine and Fantasy Magazine. She is fascinated by themes of memory, time, and personhood, and loves to explore these through sci-fi, fantasy, and horror fiction. You can find her on Twitter and Bluesky as @ennuinox.

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Avra Margariti is a queer author, Greek sea monster, and Pushcart-nominated poet with a fondness for the dark and the darling. Avra’s work haunts publications such as Vastarien, Asimov’s, Liminality, Arsenika, The Future Fire, Space and Time, Eye to the Telescope, and Glittership. The Saint of Witches, Avra’s debut collection of horror poetry, is available from Weasel Press. You can find Avra on twitter (@avramargariti).

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Denny E. Marshall has had art, poetry, and fiction published. Some recent credits include cover art for Typehouse Magazine Jan. 2022 and interior art in Dreams & Nightmares Magazine Jan. 2022 as well as poetry in Page & Spine April 2022. Website is

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Patrick McEvoy has had illustrated stories appear in Glint, Old Pal, Shift, Best of Penumbric Vol. 6, Murder Park After Dark Vol. 3 and on Slippery Elm's website, among others. The short story "Um" has been published by Metastellar. In addition, short plays he wrote were chosen to be performed at various festivals in NYC, including Chain Theatre's 2023 Winter Festival and self-produced Eclectica. "The Dream People" appeared online and in public for Equity Library in 2024. The short play "Retrieval" was also performed by Bunbury Players. Photography has also been exhibited with Exhibizone: Scenic, Artistonish, HMVC, and literary journals.

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Andrea Montano is an illustrator and comic book artist that has been working throughout the years in different publications. Andrea also produces portraits for events and children's books for a variety of clients. She lives with her husband, also an artist, in New Jersey.

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Matteo Moretti was born in Rome on 22 July 1990. His first novel Una Goccia di Tenebra was published in 2018 by La Caravella Editrice. "Our Love is Here to Stay" was his first work published in English. He likes movies, novels, comic books, video games and tabletop RPGs. He doesn't like happy endings.

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Of Indian origin, Sultana Raza’s poems/fiction/CNF have appeared in 200+ journals. SFF work in: Abyss & Apex, Entropy, Columbia Journal, Star*line, Bewildering Stories, Focus & Vector (British Science Fiction Association), Unlikely Stories Mark V, Galaxy series, Blaze Vox, Musing on Muses Anthology (Birgid Gate’s Press), Nephilim Anthology (Iron Faerie) Antipodean SF, File770, and Penumbric etc.

Her fiction received an Honorable Mention in Glimmer Train Review. Also published in Coldnoon Journal, Knot Literature, and Setu etc. CNF in Literary Ladies Guide, Literary Yard, Litro, impspired, Dream Pop Journal etc.

She has read her fiction/poems in Switzerland, France, Luxembourg, England, Ireland, and the USA. An independent scholar, she’s presented papers on Romanticism (Keats) and Fantasy (Tolkien) in international conferences.

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Michael Rook is not cursed. Sure, he was named after a ghost, doesn’t sleep, and writes to release the thing in his head, but he definitely doesn’t blame his parents. Find his stories in The Last Girls Club, Penumbric Speculative Fiction Magazine, After Dinner Conversation, and the anthology Dark Corners of the Old Dominion, for which he also served as an editor. More tales are coming soon. In the meantime, check out his Instagram (@michaelrook10) and website, home to his occasionally interesting blog.

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J. L. Royce is an author of science fiction, the macabre, and whatever else strikes him. He lives in the northern reaches of the American Midwest, exploring the wilderness without and within. His work appears in Alien Dimensions, Allegory, Cosmic Horror Monthly, Fifth Di, Fireside, Ghostlight, Love Letters to Poe (Visiter Award winner), Lovecraftiana, Mysterion, parABnormal, Penumbric, Sci Phi, Strange Aeon, Utopia, Wyldblood, etc. He is a member of WWA, HWA, and GLAHW. Some of his anthologized stories may be found at:

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Ron Sanders is an L.A.-based author, poet, and illustrator.

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Carl Scharwath has appeared globally with 175+ journals selecting his writing or art. Carl has published three poetry books and his latest book, Ebb Tide Reflections, features poetry, short stories and photography (World Inkers, NYC.) Carl has four photography books, published by Praxis and CreatiVingenuitiy. His photography was exhibited in the Mount Dora and The Leesburg Centers for the Arts. Carl is currently a co-editor with ILA Magazine, art editor at Glitterati and former editor for Minute Magazine. He was nominated for three The Best of the Net Awards (2021-23,)and a 2023 Pushcart Nomination for work in Ebb Tide Reflections.

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Julie Shiel lives in Maryland with an orange feline fluffball and a dilute tortie that keeps him in line. Her work is appearing in upcoming issues of Strange Horizons, Space & Time Magazine and Eye To The Telescope. When not writing she gardens and communes with her local murder of crows.

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Lisa Short is a Texas-born, Kansas-bred writer of fantasy, science fiction and horror. She has an honorable discharge from the United States Army, a degree in chemical engineering, and twenty years’ experience as a professional engineer. Lisa currently lives in Maryland with her husband, youngest child, father-in-law, two cats and one puppy. She can be found online at and on both Twitter and Instagram @Lisa_K_Short.

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Canadian poet, fiction writer, and playwright J. J. Steinfeld lives on Prince Edward Island, where he is patiently waiting for Godot’s arrival and a phone call from Kafka. While waiting, he has published 24 books, including An Unauthorized Biography of Being (Stories, Ekstasis Editions, 2016), Absurdity, Woe Is Me, Glory Be (Poetry, Guernica Editions, 2017), A Visit to the Kafka Café (Poetry, Ekstasis Editions, 2018), Gregor Samsa Was Never in The Beatles (Stories, Ekstasis Editions, 2019), Morning Bafflement and Timeless Puzzlement (Poetry, Ekstasis Editions, 2020), Somewhat Absurd, Somehow Existential (Poetry, Guernica Editions, 2021), Acting on the Island (Stories, Pottersfield Press, 2022), and As You Continue to Wait (Poetry, Ekstasis Editions, 2022).

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Yuliia Vereta (she/her) is a Polish writer of Ukrainian origin who is now living her third life in Katowice, where she works as a translator and is a poet on a good day and a disaster-maker on a bad one. Her speculative works have been published in print and online, among others in Star*Line, Dreams and Nightmares, Asimov’s Science Fiction, Leading Edge, Penumbric, Kaleidotrope, and ParSec. She is a 2022 Best of the Net Nominee.

When she isn't working, writing or cooking, she tries to remake her stationary time machine into a smaller portable model, since the one she currently owns does not fit into the elevator of the 12-story building where she lives and constantly becomes the source of strange questions at airport customs.

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Jennifer Walker is a short story writer who grew up in a strange and unsettling place called the suburbs. Her stories can be read in recent and upcoming issues of Eclectica Magazine, Five on the Fifth, and Bare Hill Review. She now lives in the Virgin Islands with her girlfriend, two dogs, and an untold number of increasingly suspicious roosters.

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