Anne Carly Abad received the Poet of the Year Award in the 2017 Nick Joaquin Literary Awards. She has also received nominations for the Pushcart Prize and the Rhysling Award. Her work has appeared in
Apex, Mythic Delirium, and
Strange Horizons, to name a few. Her first poetry collection,
We've Been Here Before, is forthcoming this February 2022 with Aqueduct Press. You can preorder the book by emailing the publisher at
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Jay Caselberg is an author and poet whose work has appeared around the world and been translated into several languages. From time to time, it gets shortlisted for awards. He can be found at
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Andrew Dunn is a science fiction and fantasy writer living near Baltimore, and frequenting Annapolis. When he's not writing he runs, reads, cooks, watches old movies, and plays music. His work has previously appeared in
365 Tomorrows, AntipodeanSF, Daily Science Fiction, and
Metastellar (as reprints). He won honorable mention in Writer's Digest 2021 story competition, and his work ranked 5 most read of more than 120 reprints in
Metastellar. Andrew hopes you enjoy this story!
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Jessa Forest writes poetry and weird fiction. She is the author of
The Slaughter Chronicles, a grimdark, Lovecraftian-esque contemporary fantasy about werewolves, and Speculative E-Shorts, an on-going collection of standalone, bite sized short stories for when you need to escape reality for an hour. Her short fiction and poetry has also appeared in traditional print and online magazines. In 2011, she was nominated for the Pushcart Poetry Prize. Her writing questions the definable borders of reality and indulges the gritty, visceral aspects of dark fantasy and science fiction. She was born in Arkansas, USA.
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John Grey is an Australian poet, US resident, recently published in
Orbis, Dalhousie Review and
Connecticut River Review. Latest book,
Leaves On Pages, is available through Amazon.
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Peter J. King was born and brought up in Boston, Lincolnshire. He was active on the London poetry scene in the 1970s, returning to poetry in 2013. His work (including translations from modern Greek and German poetry) has since been widely published in magazines and anthologies. His currently available collections are
Adding Colours to the Chameleon (Wisdom’s Bottom Press) and
All What Larkin (Albion Beatnik Press).
(thumbnail credit: Maxim Kantor)
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Karen Mandell has taught writing at the high school and college levels and literature at community senior centers. She lives in Lynnfield MA which is fortunately not too far from the ocean. She’s written
Clicking, interconnected short stories and
Rose Has a New Walker, a book of poetry.
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Avra Margariti is a queer author, Greek sea monster, and Pushcart-nominated poet with a fondness for the dark and the darling. Avra’s work haunts publications such as
Vastarien, Asimov’s, Liminality, Arsenika, The Future Fire, Space and Time, Eye to the Telescope, and
The Saint of Witches, Avra’s debut collection of horror poetry, is forthcoming from Weasel Press. You can find Avra on twitter (@avramargariti).
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Denny E. Marshall has had art, poetry, and fiction published. Some recent credits include cover art for
Fifth Di... Sept 2021, interior art in
Dreams & Nightmares #118 Sept. 2021, & poetry in
Shelter Of Daylight Autumn 2021. In 2020 his website celebrated 20 years on the web. Also, in 2020 his artwork is for sale for the first time. The link is on his website. Website is
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Jesper Nordqvist, aka 'Ragathol', is a comic artist and illustrator from Sweden, specialized in fantasy and SF comedy and drama. He's been making a lot more comics since creating
Mondo Mecho, most of which are available at
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Originally from Silicon Valley,
Don Raymond now lives in the sagebrush steppe of Alturas, CA, where he works as an accountant for the county, because his guidance counselors never warned him about that sort of thing. He spends his free time studying Egyptology and mediating the Machiavellian feline politics of his household. You can read more of his work in
Cthulhusattva, Ghastly Gastronomy, and
Bourbon Penn. He once didn’t make a left turn at Albuquerque.
For more information on Captain Jack and the Modoc War, he recommends a visit to the Tule Lake National Monument:
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Garrett Rowlan is a retired teacher with 70 or so stories, a novella, and a novel to his publishing credits. He lives in Los Angeles. His website is
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Nnadi Samuel (he/him/his) holds a B.A in English & literature from the University of Benin. His works have been previously published/forthcoming in
Suburban Review, Seventh Wave Magazine, NativeSkin lit Magazine, North Dakota Quarterly, Quarterly West, FIYAH, Fantasy Magazine, Uncanny Magazine, The Capilano Review, Contemporary Verse 2, Gutter Magazine, Carte Blanche, Gordon Square Review, Trampset, Beestung Magazine, The Elephant Magazine & elsewhere. Winner of the Miracle Monocle Award for Ambitious Student Writers 2021(University of Louisville), Penrose Poetry Prize 2021, Lakefly Poetry Contest 2021 (Wisconsin), the International Human Right Arts Festival Award 2021, and Canadian Open Drawer contest 2020. He got an honorable mention for the 2021 Betty L. Yu and Jin C.Yu Creative Writing Prize (College Category). He is the author of "Reopening of Wounds" & "Subject Lessons" (forthcoming). He reads for
U-Right Magazine. He tweets @Samuelsamba10.
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Carl Scharwath has appeared globally with 150+ journals selecting his poetry, short stories, interviews, essays, plays or art photography (His photography was featured on the cover of 6 journals.) Two poetry books,
Journey To Become Forgotten (Kind of a Hurricane Press) and
Abandoned (ScarsTv) have been published. His first photography book was recently published by Praxis. Carl is the art editor for
Minute Magazine, a competitive runner and 2nd degree black-belt in Taekwondo.
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Nick Scorza is a fiction writer and unrepentant daydreamer. He grew up in Washington, DC and currently lives in New York City. His short fiction has appeared in places like
Beneath Ceaseless Skies and
Podcastle, and his first novel,
People of the Lake, a young adult horror, is available from Sky Horse Press. Find him online at
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Cat Scully loves writing horror and dark fantasy for all ages. Most recently, her work appears in the vampire anthology
An Unholy Thirst, and she is the author-illustrator of young adult horror series
Jennifer Strange. She's best known for her illustrations and world maps, including her picture book
The Mayor of Halloween Is Missing, written by Emily S. Sullivan. When she’s not writing and illustrating books, Cat works in video game development for the Deep End Games on their next title
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Fariel Shafee has degrees in science (from MIT and Princeton) but loves painting and making digital art as well as writing in her free time. These activities help her cope with stress and keep in touch with her creative side. She has exhibited her art internationally, and her portfolio can be seen on
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Max Sheridan is the author of
Dillo and a few other stories.
God's Speedboat, his second novel, is due out in spring 2023 from Outcast Press. He lives and writes in Nicosia, Cyprus.
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Marge Simon is an award-winning poet/writer, living in Ocala, Florida. Her works have appeared in
Daily Science Fiction, Dark Moon Digest, New Myths, Silver Blade, Polu Texni, Crannog, JoCCA and numerous pro anthologies. She is a multiple Stoker winner and Grand Master Poet of the SF & F Poetry Association. She recently received the HWA Lifetime Service Award, HWA. Amazon Author page: simon
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Christina Sng is the two-time Bram Stoker Award-winning author of
A Collection of Dreamscapes and
A Collection of Nightmares. Her poetry, fiction, essays, and art appear in numerous venues worldwide and have garnered many accolades, including the Jane Reichhold International Prize, nominations for the Rhysling Awards, the Dwarf Stars, the Pushcart Prize, as well as honorable mentions in the
Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror and the
Best Horror of the Year. Christina’s essay “Final Girl: A Life in Horror” was a finalist in the 2020 Bram Stoker Awards for Superior Achievement in Short Non-Fiction, and her first novelette “Fury” was anthologized in the multiple award-winning
Black Cranes: Tales of Unquiet Women. Christina lives in Singapore with her children and a menagerie of curious pets. Visit her at and connect on social media @christinasng.
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Lover of wine, women and song, toeken's had work published in
Utopia Science Fiction Magazine, Tha Antihumanist Magazine, Blood Knife Magazine, Novel Noctule, Bards and Sages Quarterly, Unfading Daydream, Cosmic Horror Monthly, Hybrid Fiction Magazine, Penumbric Speculative Fiction Magazine, Mysterion, Lovecraftiana Magazine, Hinnom Magazine, SQ Magazine, Lackington's, The Future Fire, The Drabblecast, Helios Quarterly, Kaleidotrope, Crimson Streets, Phantasmagoria Magazine, ParABnormal Magazine, RobotDinosaurs, Ares Magazine, Double Feature Magazine, NewMyths, Non Binary Review, Persistent Visions, ParAbnormal Magazine, Riddled with Arrows, Devolution Z Magazine, Cracked Eye, Nothing's Sacred, Heroic Fantasy Quarterly, Gallery of Curiosities, Gallows Hill, Econoclash, and
The Weird and Whatnot and painted book covers for authors and editors such as Bryan Smith ('Kayla'), Tim Meyer ('The Thin Veil', 'The Switch House', '69'), Chad Lutzke (Night as a Catalyst), D.W. Cook (Intermediates: A Cuckoo for Mankind'), Millhaven Press ('Fierce Tales,Lost Worlds'), Cemetery Gates Media ('Halldark Holidays', 'Murderers' Bazaar'), Gavin Chappell ('Kek vs Cthulhu'), Douglas Draa ('Funny As A Heart Attack'), and Trevor Denyer ('Railroad Tales'), among others. You can find his stuff here:
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Rekha Valliappan's speculative fiction stories are found in many popular journals and anthologies. They cover the range of sub-genres, from science fiction to horror, fabulist to surreal, weird fiction to fantasy, gothic to magical realism. They can be read in contemporary magazines such as
Lackington's, Teleport, Utopia Science Fiction, Schlock! Best Short Stories, Aphelion, Third Flatiron, Theme of Absence, Coffin Bell, Across The Margin, Thrice Fiction, NonBinary Review's HG Wells Anthology, Apocalypse Confidential, Cerasus Magazine, The Hallowzine, and other places. She can be found on Twitter @silicasun