Three Months
Gordon Sun
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Someone to
The Portrait
Sing To
Three Months
Gordon Sun

Someone to
Sing To

The Portrait
Three Months
Gordon Sun
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Someone to
The Portrait
Sing To

Someone to
Sing To

The Portrait
Three Months
by Gordon Sun
Three Months
by Gordon Sun
Monday, February 3
Hello, this message is for Marcia Rodriguez. This is Denise Moss, the social worker for Leticia Rodriguez at Regency Lake Medical Center.
Thanks for coming by today to visit Leticia. As you’ve gathered, your mom had a rough time after her car accident, having had major skull and chest surgery while also recovering from a lung infection. I know it seems overwhelming. Please rest assured that our doctors and staff are very experienced in handling patients with complicated medical needs.
The good news is that your mom’s making great progress and is expected to leave the ICU soon. The next step is to continue her recovery, get her rehabilitated, and eventually prepare her to go home and back to her daily routine.
Please let me know if there’s anything I can do to help. You can reach me at this number any timeanytime during business hours. For emergencies, please call the cell number I gave you earlier today. Alternatively, you can contact her case manager, Rhonda, who you also met today.
And remember that you’re welcome to visit as much as you can. I know Leticia loves having visitors.
Again, this is Denise Moss from Regency Lake Medical Center, the social worker for Leticia Rodriguez, leaving a message for Marcia Rodriguez. Thank you and have a great day!
Friday, February 7
Hi, this message is for Marcia Rodriguez. This is Denise Moss, the social worker for Leticia--your mom at Regency Lake. Hope you’re having a nice week. I wanted to let you know that unfortunately, your mom didn’t improve as much as we were hoping over the weekend, so she stayed in the ICU. I wanted to prepare you just in case you were planning to visit today.
Rhonda is available to speak with you if you have any questions, and I can be reached any timeanytime at my office or cell phone as well. Let me know if you’re planning to visit your mom today or over the weekend. Thanks so much.
Monday, February 10
Hi Marcia, this is Denise Moss from Regency Lake. I’m glad we were able to meet with you this morning about your mom’s condition. The ICU doctor is not confident that she will wake up right away, which is why he talked about the stomach feeding tube, the G-tube, today. I know you were also hoping her tracheostomy tube was going to be removed, but in a way we’re fortunate she still had it since it was easier for the doctors to get her back onto the ventilator.
You may have been following the news about something that’s, ah, been going around. Just so you know, we’re temporarily reducing visitors to one a day. But remember, you don’t have to come in to give your consent for the G-tube. As long as you’re reachable at this number, our ICU doctor can call you to discuss the procedure in detail.
Thank you and talk to you soon.
Thursday, February 13
Hi Marcia, this is Denise Moss the social worker. I know you were upset about not being able to visit earlier. The policy the hospital put into place to restrict all visitors is for everyone’s protection, including yours and your mother’s. I hope that within the next couple of weeks we’ll fully reopen, but it’s hard to predict.
Anyway, as I’m sure you’ve heard from the ICU doctor, there’s good news: the stomach tube surgery went very well. Fingers crossed that she’ll keep getting better.
Just a gentle reminder that you can feel free to call me at my office or cell any timeanytime if you’d like to chat. Also, let me or Rhonda know when you’ll be around next time, so we can try to coordinate a meeting. Thanks again and talk soon.
Wednesday, February 19
Hi Marcia, this is Denise the social worker. Good news: your mother’s been transferred out of the ICU! She’s now in a regular hospital bed under the care of Dr. Warner. However, the doctor thinks her recovery will be slow. She’s unable to feed herself and still needs the ventilator.
I know you’ve been looking to get your mom into a nursing home. However, in light of that ‘thing,’ that’s going to be a challenge. A few of our valued partners have been hit hard by, ah, by this thing and they’re a little nervous about taking on more patients. We should prepare for the possibility that if it’s difficult to get a nursing home to admit your mom, we’ll need to train you on how to care her for her tracheostomy and G-tube in the event of an emergency.
Since the hospital is still restricting visitors, please call me back and we can set up a time to meet and talk about it with the whole team. We’re trying to do video calls when they’re feasible, so if you’d prefer that option let me know and I can help you download the right app onto your phone. Thanks again.
Thursday, February 27
Hi Marcia, it’s Denise, your mom’s social worker. We’ve called every eligible nursing home and rehab facility in the area, but they’re either all full or have been affected by--well, affected. It just wouldn’t be safe to send your mom.
Unfortunately, there’s also been a small medical setback. One of the nurses found a small pressure sore on your mom’s lower back. We’re taking care of it the best we can.
Finally, if you could please call Rhonda back at your earliest convenience, that would be great. It sounds like you two have been playing phone tag, but we need to get the breathing and stomach tube feeding training set up. I know it’s tough with all the travel restrictions popping up, but it’s important for Leticia.
If you’re able to do a video call, we might be able to do a lot of the training without needing you to physically come to the hospital. Thank you.
Thursday, March 5
Hi Marcia, this is Denise the social worker. The pressure injury is stable for now. Unfortunately, placement for your mom remains a challenge. Why don’t we try to do a video call and get some face time together? I know the visitor policy makes it hard to have you come here to Regency Lake, but we think it’s important to have a discussion about where we go from here.
Thank you and stay safe.
Tuesday, March 10
Hi Marcia, this is Denise from the hospital. I got your voice mail yesterday, and you sounded unlike your usual cheerful self. I hope you’re staying as stress-free as possible despite the circumstances. The more rested you are, the more prepared you’ll be to help your mom.
I’m calling because we’re unable to find a nursing home for your mom. My experience is that in the past, a few facilities would have been willing to give her a second look if you, ah, paid out of pocket. But with everything that’s happening, even that isn’t an option anymore.
I know you’ve been leery about home health, but Dr. Warner believes that’s honestly the safest option now. We can help you apply to the state for some funding and part-time help at home, and of course we can get you supplies and equipment.
Please call me back at your earliest convenience. Thanks and be safe.
Friday, March 13
Hi Marcia, this is Denise from Regency Lake. Dr. Warner and the team are again recommending moving forward with home care. However, we need your help with this. We need to do a home safety assessment, fill out some paperwork, that sort of thing.
Could we could have a brief video chat as soon as possible? Please reach out to me or Rhonda any timeanytime and let’s set something up. Talk to you soon.
Thursday, March 19
Hi Marcia, this is Denise, your mom’s social worker. We haven’t heard from you in a bit, so we can only imagine how totally upside-down now life must be now for you. We’re here for you if you need anything.
There’s There’ve been some important developments. First, Leticia’s developed a second pressure sore that has gotten infected. Second, Dr. Warner says your mom’s starting to show some, ah, concerning signs. Unfortunately, these new signs seem to be adversely affecting her mental state. Sometimes she calls for you in her sleep. Other times she gets confused and thinks she’s you.
Since you’re her surrogate decision-maker, you would be best suited to help guide our team in the direction you think your mom would want to go. Please call me back as soon as you receive this message. Thank you and stay safe.
Wednesday, March 25
Hi Marcia, this is Denise, your mom’s social worker at Regency Lake. Rhonda and I have left several voice mails for you over the past couple weeks. It’s really important that we connect. Your mom’s condition needs to be discussed as soon as possible. Her pressure sores are worsening and she’s now on a ventilator full-time, so she was moved back into the ICU. Dr. Warner is very concerned that the changes--I mean, the signs she’s showing may well become permanent. They’re doing the best they can, but as you maybe have heard from the news there’s still so little we understand about the condition. Sorry to be the bearer of such news.
We need to speak with you as soon as possible to talk about her situation and how best to care for her needs. Please let us know the best way to reach you and we’ll work around your schedule, as hectic and unpredictable as I’m sure it is with everything that’s going on. Thank you for your understanding and support.
Monday, March 30
Hi Marcia, this is Denise the social worker. I know these are tough times for you, on top of everything else going on. I hope you’re finding safe ways to handle the stress.
Look, I completely get your situation. I’d be struggling if I were in your shoes, too. I--just know that I’m here for you, okay?
Now, on to the matter at hand. If you must delegate decision-making to someone else because you’re just overwhelmed, I’m sure we can work something out. Our team finally managed to get the rest of Leticia’s medical records from the other hospital where she was initially admitted after the accident. We found a single reference to a son who lives out of town--we assume he’s your brother? It looks like his name is Juan, but we have little else to go on. To be honest, his name’s never even come up in any of our conversations with you.
Please call us back as soon as you can. Thank you.
Wednesday, April 8
Hi, Marcia. This is Denise, the social worker at Regency Lake Medical Center, calling about you--your mother. We haven’t, ah, haven’t heard from you in weeks. I wanted to confirm if this is still the best phone number to reach you.
More importantly, are you staying safe? Are you doing alright? Can you please call us back as soon as possible? We’re worried--about you and your mom. Thank you.
Thursday, April 16
Hello, this message is for Juan Rodriguez. This is Denise Moss, the social worker for your mother, Leticia Rodriguez, at Regency Lake Medical Center. I’m not sure if you’re aware that your mother has been in our hospital for the last few months. She’s had a rough road, and the, ah, the thing that’s everywhere now hasn’t helped either.
We obtained your contact information from Marcia Rodriguez--or more specifically, her phone. She was your mother’s surrogate decision-maker, but unfortunately, we were unable to reach Marcia during the last month or so. We called again yesterday, but to our surprise a nurse picked up--one of our nurses. We found out that Marcia has been a patient here for a few days now, with the same symptoms as your mother. To our chagrin, we realized that we’ve been treating them as one.
We acknowledge our regrets about the confusion. However, at the same time we also know that due to having the same condition--that thing that’s been going around--they’re different now, yet also one and the same.
If you wish to help us with their care, please call us back and we can discuss how best to proceed.
Thank you and be well.